Weight Loss
·············· that works!
·············· that works!
You tell us about yourself, your medical history, and your metabolism.
Our questionnaire is carefully designed to get the information we need in order to make your weight loss effective.
We schedule you a free consultation with the doctor that was assigned to you.
The doctor will go over your questionnaire, get more information when needed.
Real, down to the smallest detail, weight loss customization
Based on what we learned about you, and using data from more than 40 years of experience and more 135,000 patients treated, we will create a custom formula to balance your hormones and help you lose weight in the most natural, possible way.
Our system allows our us and our pharmacies to keep open channels of communication at all times.
Given the complexity of creating such a customized treatment, which is also hand-made specifically for you, clear and simple communication amongst all parts is crucial for success.
Your treatment will be delivered to your door from our pharmacy by carrier.